Depending on your loan type, we have the following relief options for you:
- Deferred payments
- Forbearance plan
- Repayment plan
- Loan modification
We work with our members to provide the assistance that is best for them.
Whether you're facing a financial situation that could last more than six months or one that's just temporary, PenFed offers assistance programs to meet your needs.
Cards and Loans
We provide financial assistance programs for a variety of consumer banking products, such as credit cards, auto loans, personal loans, personal lines of credit, and student loans.
Home Loans
We provide financial assistance programs for a variety of mortgage products such as VA mortgages, first-time homebuyer mortgages, and home equity lines of credit (HELOC).
If you have a home loan and are unable to stay in the home, we may be able to assist you with a short sale or deed-in-lieu to avoid foreclosure.
If you are seeking assistance on a mortgage that has been sold to a government sponsored enterprise (GSE), such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, we will follow their assistance guidelines.
Send us your information by filling in the application that suits your need and one of our Loss Mitigation Analysts will reach out to begin the process.
The Hardship Application lists out documents that you need to send for your specific hardship e.g. most recent pay stubs, bank statements etc. A complete application will help speed up your review and decision process.
Choose the best delivery option for you.
For Cards and Loans, leverage the upload feature available when you log in to your PenFed account OR email us at consumercreditworkouts@penfed.org. You could mail your documents to 2930 Eisenhower Ave, Alexandria VA 22314, OR fax to Consumer Credit Workouts at 866-298-2635.
For Home Loans, leverage our Member Portal* OR email us at mortgagelossmitigation@penfed.org. You could mail your documents to Loss Mitigation, PenFed Credit Union Box 71818 - 400 White Clay Center Drive Newark, DE 19711, OR fax to Mortgage Loss Mitigation at 703-234-1009.
*First time users must register
We’ll review your hardship application within 5 business days of receiving it. We’ll reach out to you if there are missing documents, or if we need further information. Otherwise, your assigned point of contact will communicate a decision within 30 days via phone, email or mail. A fully laid out plan, explaining your options will be presented to you.
After receiving your options, you’ll have 14 days to make a decision on how you would like to proceed forward.
An assigned point of contact will follow up with you to review your plan and guide you through the next steps.
For Home Loan Loss Mitigation, call us @ 1-800-585-9055, choose menu Option #7.
For Cards and Loans, call Consumer Credit Workouts @ 1-800-247-5626.
You received this Application because we have not received one or more of your monthly payments and we want to help you. We are sending this information to you now so that we can work with you to quickly resolve any temporary or long-term financial challenge you face to making all your late payments.
Yes, all sections of the application must be filled out in order to review your situation. If any section is left blank a representative will be reaching out to request that it be filled out and the review process will be delayed.
Documents should be no older (dated) than the past 90 days. With exception of the following: tax returns, lease agreements, death certificates/obituaries, divorce decrees/separation agreements or evidence showing separate addresses related to divorce, dissolution documents evidencing closure of business, bankruptcy notices or for employment transfers: active military service members: Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders or letter showing transfer. Employment transfers: Copy of signed offer letter, notice from employer showing transfer to new location with explanation if employer documentation is not applicable or documentation reflect the amount of any relocation assistance provided (not required for those with PCS orders).
Employment Discharge Letter OR
Unemployment Benefits Award OR
Copy of most recent unemployment benefit disbursement
(other example: unemployment benefit income: Two most recent bank statements showing deposit amounts)
To provide proof of reduced income, documents showing previous earnings and current earnings (if any) will need to be provided. (example: previous earnings included over time hours, new earnings show the reduction of pay without overtime.)
Previous two year signed tax returns with supporting schedules (both individual and business)
Most recent signed and dated quarterly or year-to-date profit/loss statement
Two most recent bank statements for all business accounts (all pages including blank)
May be able to use a copy of a current contract or 1099, depending on information listed.
Dissolution documents evidencing closure of business OR
Two months most recent bank statements evidencing the cessation of business activity OR
Notice of bankruptcy filing for the business
Consumer Banking Mitigation’s Address
Pentagon Federal Credit Union
2930 Eisenhower Ave
Alexandria, VA 22314
Fax: 866-298-2635
Email: Consumercreditworkouts@PenFed.org
Mortgage Loss Mitigation’s Address
PenFed Credit Union
Box 71818
400 White Clay Center Drive
Newark, DE 19711
Email: MortgageLossMitigation@penfed.org
Web: LoanSolutionCenter
You will be contacted shortly by a Loss Mitigation representative. If additional documents are needed for the review an email or letter will be sent notifying you.
Please note that your pending application does not affect your obligation to make your payments as they come due. The status of your account will continue to be reported to credit reporting agencies in accordance with the requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Foreclosure is the loss of your home through a legal process where your mortgage servicer or a third party acquires the property at foreclosure sale.
You must move or you will be evicted from the property. It may be as long as seven years before you are eligible for another mortgage. You and any additional borrower listed on the mortgage may experience negative credit implications.
Yes, the sooner the better! If you wish to keep your home, contact your mortgage servicer immediately.
Please see the Avoiding Foreclosure attachment in this Application for more information, or you can contact Pentagon Federal Credit Union at 1-800-585-9055, IVR Option #7. Additional foreclosure prevention information is provided by HUD, or FannieMae or Freddie Mac.
There should never be a fee from your servicer or qualified counselor to obtain assistance or information about foreclosure prevention options. However, foreclosure prevention has become a target for scam artists. Be wary of companies or individuals offering to help you for a fee, and never send a mortgage payment to any company other than the one listed on your monthly mortgage statement or one designated to receive your payments under a state assistance program.
You remain obligated to make all mortgage payments as they come due, even while we are evaluating the types of assistance that may be available.
If you disregard your mortgage servicer’s notices, your mortgage servicer may refer your mortgage to foreclosure as authorized by your mortgage documents and applicable law.
Yes, but it is important that you reach out to your servicer as soon as possible to discuss potential options. If your mortgage servicer receives your complete Mortgage Assistance Application with only 37 or fewer calendar days before the scheduled foreclosure sale, there is no guarantee that your servicer will be able to evaluate you for mortgage assistance in time to stop the foreclosure sale.
Even if your mortgage servicer approves you for a foreclosure alternative prior to a sale, a court with jurisdiction over foreclosure proceedings (if any) or public official charged with carrying out the sale may not be able to halt the scheduled sale.
No. The property will not be sold at a foreclosure sale once you accept a foreclosure alternative, such as a forbearance or repayment plan, and comply with all requirements.
You should contact us as soon as possible. We are here to help you adjust to these events and provide you with information on where to send the mortgage payments. Please contact us to obtain a list of documentation that is needed to confirm your identity and ownership interest in the property, and to discuss next steps.
The delinquency status of your loan will be reported to credit reporting agencies as well as your entry into a Repayment Plan, Forbearance Plan, or Trial Period Plan in accordance with the requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Consumer Data Industry Association requirements.
While the effect on your credit will depend on your individual credit history, credit scoring companies generally would consider entering into a plan with reduced payments as increasing your credit risk. As a result, entering into a plan with reduced payments may adversely affect your credit score, particularly if you are current on your mortgage or otherwise have a good credit score.
If you would like mortgage counseling or assistance, you can find a list of counselors in your area on
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sponsors non-profit housing counseling agencies throughout the country that can provide advice on defaults, foreclosures, credit issues and other housing topics. Please contact HUD at (800) 569-4287 or visit their website at
The Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is a program that provides certain protections in lending for service members who are called to active duty. If you are a military service member who is currently on active duty or has been on active duty within the last 12 months, please contact us at (800) 247-5626 and request to speak with a Loss mitigation Analyst. To verify your status on the Official SCRA website please visit https://scra.dmdc.osd.mil/scra/#/home.